Anna Hull
Hannah Roseli is the captain of the Sapphires drill team.
Hannah Roseli has been on a high school dance team ever since she was a freshman and has been looking forward to being captain for the Sapphires.
The Memorial Messenger sat down with Roseli ahead of Friday’s senior night to talk about dancing, what she hopes to accomplish in her role and more.
Q: How has it been being the captain of the Memorial Sapphires?
A: It’s been good. I’ve been putting a lot of dedication and work into it ever since last year. We have been working hard as a group.
Q: What do you want to accomplish by the end of the year, both personally and within the Sapphires?
A: Within the Sapphires, I want everybody on the team to be confident within themselves as a dancer and as a person. And for myself, I would like to accomplish becoming an even better leader and helping within and after high school.
Q:What impact are you going to make on your team members?
A: A positive impact I am going to make is to always try and keep going no matter what.
Q: What do you miss most about being a part of the Raiderettes last year? Would you say it is better now then how it was a year ago?
A: I miss all the traditions and everybody there. But I feel like neither is better than the other so I like both.
Q: What has been the hardest part for you so far being the captain of the Sapphires?
A: Learning how to overcome any challenge. Just keep pushing through no matter what has been my most difficult time.
Q: Is this your first time being captain or have you been captain for your team before as a Raiderette?
A: This is my first time being captain. I have been an officer before on the Raiderettes, but this is my first time being captain.