Presley Graham/Maverick Media
Memorial Homecoming king Kenji Johnson and queen Lizzy Diaz pose for a picture before Friday's football game.
Memorial’s first homecoming king and queen, Kenji Johnson and Lizzy Diaz, were crowned before Friday night’s football game, beginning a great tradition for years to come.
“It’s really crazy to be honest,” Johnson said. “I wasn’t expecting to win homecoming king.”
“I’m just really excited to be the first homecoming queen,” Diaz said. “It feels nice to represent our school in that way.”
The homecoming court had an eventful week with the parade Monday, the pep rally and game Friday, plus plenty of practices, interviews and other preparations in between.
Johnson and Diaz both had memories that were their favorite though.
“Definitely being late to the practice for the homecoming walk and getting yelled at for it,” Johnson said.
“Mine was the parade,” Diaz said. “It was just so fun, and I loved taking all the pictures.”
Johnson’s night only got better after getting homecoming king as he scored the first touchdown of the game and helped the Mavericks defeat Andrews, 50-27. Johnson finished with 151 rushing yards and three touchdowns.
“I’m feeling really good,” Johnson said. “I think it’s great that we had a big game, a big win on homecoming night. The first one.”